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Administrative Hearing Officer

The Administrative Hearing Officer training is a means for municipalities to acquire training for designated officials that are seeking to become administrative hearing officers with jurisdiction to hear violations of certain locally adopted codes, including building and property maintenance.

This course has been developed as a collaborative effort between the University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service and the Tennessee Secretary of State's Administrative Hearings Department.

Successful completion of this training authorizes participants to serve as municipal administrative hearing officers pursuant to Public Chapter No. 1128 of the 2010 Public Acts. Pursuant to this law, a city can, via ordinance; create an administrative hearing office with jurisdiction to hear violations of certain locally adopted codes, including building code and property maintenance ordinances. The law also allows a city, through its administrative hearing officer, to levy fines for such violations in excess of $50.


Abb Oglesby, Legal Manager, (615) 733-0602