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Engaging government employees : motivate and inspire your people to achieve superior performance / Bob Lavigna.

"Government employees face enormous challenges today, including being stigmatized as underworked and overpaid. At the same time, they're being asked to solve some of our toughest problems including unemployment, security, poverty, and education. In Engaging Government Employees, Bob Lavigna gives managers the tools they need to leverage the talents of government's most important resource: its people. He shows them how to measure, nurture, and sustain the kind of authentic employee engagement that drives results. With over three decades of experience in public sector HR, he knows how to get team members passionate about the agency's mission, and committed to its success. Readers will learn: Why a highly engaged staff is 20 percent more productive; How to get employees to deliver "discretionary effort"; How to assess the level of engagement; Why free pizza and Coke every Friday is not a viable strategy; And more. Drawing on a wealth of empirical evidence, Engaging Government Employees rejects the typical, one-size-fits-all approach to motivation and shows how America's largest employer can apply the science of engagement to dramatically improve performance."--Publisher§s website.
Lavigna, Bob
The Power of Employee Engagement and What This Book Is About -- So What Is Employee Engagement, Exactly? -- Why Engagement Matters: The Business Case for Improving Engagement -- The Special Case of Public Service and How This Affects Engagement and Efforts to Improve It -- How Managers Can Respond to the Differences Between the Public and Private Sectors and Improve Engagement -- Measuring Employee Engagement -- A Process Model for Measuring and Improving Employee Engagement -- Steps 1 and 2: Planning and Conducting the Employee-Engagement Survey -- Step 3: Reporting and Analyzing Survey Results: So What Do All These Numbers Mean? -- Step 4: Taking Action to Improve Employee Engagement -- Step 5: Sustaining Higher Levels of Engagement -- What Public-Sector Organizations Have Actually Done to Improve Engagement -- The Role of Human Resources -- Getting Started on the Journey to Improved Employee Engagement -- Appendix 1: Action Plan Evaluation Worksheet -- Appendix 2: Sample Communication Plan.
Includes index.